It was a really special experience to team up with the director Kiborz to create the design aesthetic and overall graphics for the song „Matrix“ by an emerging american R&B artist – A. Chal. The obvious meaning behind the songs title implied a theme very close to us, and we were looking for the best way to stay inside the established matrix aesthetic while also giving it a fresh and unique touch. We definetly knew we wanted it to have a bit of a 80s vibe, and thought of how to mix new ideas with old tools. Eventually we got 19 CRT monitors and Hercules graphic cards to the studio, and started playing around. Fueled by the result, we wanted to go further, and therefore did parts of animation on old Amiga 2000 ew have, which gave that retro futuristic feel to the overall visual quality. It was a really interesting journey of rediscovery, and the result speaks for itself!